Birthday Book

Fill out the information below to purchase a birthday book for your student(s).
Birthday Book Information
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Student Name and Message for Birthday Book
Please complete this information with your child's name and class year as well as a brief message to be included in the card. Please indicate that it's from Mom and Dad or Grandma, etc.

About the Birthday Book program

The Birthday Book program at Friends has been a great benefit to our children.  Its purpose is very simple – honor your child’s birthday by placing a book in our school library in your child’s name. This program has enriched our libraries with additional books which would not have been possible otherwise, and children have experienced pride and pleasure from this very personal contribution. Birthday Books are lasting gifts to our school!

When you purchase a birthday book, your gift goes to your child’s school library and then a book plate with your child’s name is placed in the book, thereby creating a lasting tribute to their years spent at Friends.

Did your child's birthday already pass? Remember, it is never too early or too late to purchase a birthday book.  A child is never too young or too old to be celebrated for their amazing accomplishments.Thank you for participating in this wonderful endeavor for the libraries at Friends School.

Please note: Friends School is happy to provide a tax receipt, however, gifts to the Birthday Book program are not considered your annual gift to The Fund for Friends.