Alumni News: October 2024
Hello friends –
When was the last time you attended a Meeting for Worship or took a moment of silence to open or close a meeting or class? As a student, I remember this being second nature – it was a routine part of our daily school life. Recently, I find myself using silent reflection more in my every day life. Trying to disconnect from the chaos that the world can sometimes be and re-center myself when I need to. I challenge you in the next few days to take a moment or two to reflect yourself. Put the distractions away, settle into silence and reflect, refresh, or decompress. I offer a query for reflection if you’d like:
What Quaker testimony speaks most to you at this moment in time?
Simplicity - A focus on what is important rather than material distractions. Peace - Kindness; gentleness; non-violent resolution of conflict. Integrity - Honesty; being true to oneself. Community - Welcome and inclusion, taking care of one another. Equality - Fairness and valuing each other’s gifts. Stewardship - Taking care of what we have and a focus on serving others.
Now on to alumni business. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 19, it’s Scarlet & Gray Day! Alumni are invited to attend the full day of events (schedule found here), but I want to highlight two events in particular that I hope you will join us for:
As a reminder to Reunion year alumni (0's and 5's), please submit your nominations for the Athletic Hall of Fame and Alumni Awards. The nomination deadline has been extended through October 31!
As always, if you need anything from the Alumni Office or have questions, please reach out.

Sophia Springer '13 Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement
Alumni Happenings and News

Join us for an Alumni & Faculty Homecoming Celebration on Scarlet & Gray Day 2024!
Hosted by the Friends School Alumni Association Board and John Watt, Middle School Math Teacher
Friends School of Baltimore alumni, current and retired faculty are invited for a fun and casual event at the James L. Zamoiski ’68 Alumni Center (ZAC). First, cheer on student athletes during Scarlet & Gray Day and then head over to the ZAC to see old friends, teachers and colleagues. Bites and beverages will be provided. Please feel free to bring a significant other or guest!
There is no charge for admission, but donations to The Fund for Friends – Athletics are most welcome.
Please RSVP by October 11 here:
Peter Kaestner ’71 Shares His Experience of Birding with Upper School Students
On September 26, we welcomed Peter Kaestner ’71 as guest speaker for Upper Schoolers during Collection. Peter is a retired U.S. Diplomat, who over the course of his 36-year career, met and worked with many VIPs including kings, presidents, the Coptic Pope, the Dalai Lama and many others. Peter is also the world’s #1 birder! Just this year, on February 9, 2024, he reached his goal of being the first person to see 10,000 species of birds. He presented this journey to students, including the drama that unfolded just 12 hours before he saw his 10,000th bird! He shared the importance of principals he learned while at Friends and how they have helped guide him over the course of his career and in his birding journey.

Emma Young ’08 Visits Campus as Part of Upper School STEM Speaker Series
Each year, the Upper School hosts several scientists from a variety of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields to share their professional journey and details about their research with interested students. To kick off the series this year, we welcomed Emma Young ’08 on Monday, September 30. Emma is an expert in wildlife biology and is currently working on endangered species research and policy with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She shared with students the stages of her scientific career, explored what it can mean to be a scientist and how it is important to follow your interests, even if it means taking a non-traditional educational or career path.
We love when alumni share their journey with the Friends School community. If you are interested in being a guest speaker on campus, please email
Hank Kaestner ’63, Joe Cowan ’64, and Kyle Harrison ’01 Coach JHU Alumni Lacrosse Team
Friends School Alumni are represented well at this year’s JHU Men’s Lacrosse Alumni Weekend. Hank Kaestner ’63, Joe Cowan ’64, and Kyle Harrison ’01 will be on the sidelines coaching the JHU alumni team. Hank shared that it will be a full family affair for him with three generations of Kaestners on the field! The game is today, Saturday, October 5 from 2:00-3:00pm and all are welcome to attend. For more information, click here.
October is Welcome Back to Quaker Meeting Month in NYC
Seeking peace and a sense of community? Quaker meetings in New York City are inviting NYC-area Friends School alumni to come to a meeting for worship this October. It's an opportunity to "center down" in some quiet time with peace-loving Friends. You can find out if Quaker meeting for worship speaks to you as an adult, and meet up with other Friends school alums! Please visit to learn more about the different Friends meetings in NYC and why you might want to visit.

Save the Date for Alumni Weekend 2025 - May 2 & 3, 2025
Celebrating Reunion Classes ending in 0 and 5. We are excited to welcome you back to campus May 2 & 3, 2025 for Alumni Weekend. We are looking for Reunion Committee volunteers! If you are interested in learning more or would like to volunteer, please email Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement Sophia Springer ’13:
Click here to update your information with the Alumni Office Click here to submit a nomination for an Alumni Award Click here to submit a nomination for the Athletic Hall of Fame Nominations for Alumni Awards and Athletic Hall of Fame are due no later than October 31, 2024
Visit the Alumni Weekend website for information about the schedule, hotels and more:
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For nearly 250 years, Friends School has been providing a vigorous Quaker education that is built on a framework of academic excellence. When students graduate from Friends, they have a foundation of learning that prepares them to lead meaningful and productive lives.
This exceptional student experience is made possible, in part, by the generosity of alumni, parents, parents of graduates, grandparents and friends. Simply put, the journey of each of our students is enhanced by your gift.
Click here to learn about ways you can support Friends through giving.
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For additional information, ongoing volunteer opportunities or to get involved, please contact the Alumni Office: or 410-649-3205.