Latest Alumni News

Friends School of Baltimore

From the Office of Alumni Relations & Engagement

Alumni News: March 2025

Hello friends –

In typical March fashion, campus is full of energy. Middle Schoolers have been hard at work to prepare for their spring production of SpongeBob the Musical. Many Upper School students are gearing up for the annual language trips, this year to Spain and Greece! In the Lower School, 4th grade classes have been learning about Ancient Egypt, putting together research and art projects which they present to the community at the end of March. On the alumni front, the Alumni Association Board hosted the 100 Nights Dinner, celebrating the 12th grader’s upcoming graduation. They also welcomed students and alumni to a networking event, giving students the opportunity to learn about various professional backgrounds and career paths.

Looking ahead, the Alumni Office is getting ready to host classes ending in 0 and 5 for Alumni Weekend on May 2 & 3. Of course, we welcome all alumni to join us and see old friends! The full schedule of events and registration can be found online here:

Read below for information about upcoming events and Friends School news. If you have any questions or need anything from the Alumni Office, do not hesitate to reach out!

Sophia Signature

Sophia Springer '13
Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement

Alumni Weekend | May 2 & 3, 2025

Alumni Weekend 2025

Registration for Alumni Weekend is open! Call your friends from Friends and enjoy Alumni Weekend festivities together. While the weekend is focused on Reunion Classes ending in 0 and 5, we welcome all Friends alumni and families to celebrate with us. Don’t wait to sign up for activities. Be sure to register by Wednesday, April 23!

Information about Class Parties and activities can be found on the Alumni Weekend webpage:

  • Register and view the Alumni Weekend schedule here.
  • Update your information with the Alumni Office here.

Alumni Happenings and News

On Display in the Katz Gallery: Visiting Artist Sherry Insley

Currently on display in the Katz Gallery is visiting artist Sherry Insley who works in a variety of photographic processes, documenting the natural world and exploring the ideas of impermanence, the passing of time, and memory. Sherry is a local Baltimorean, teacher at Carver Center of the Arts in Towson, and a current Friends School parent. She is very active in the local art community, engaging in residencies and exhibiting frequently. Most recently her work could be seen in the Off the Web exhibit at the Peale Museum in Baltimore.

Through April 4, ephemera: The Work of Sherry Insley will be on view in the Katz Gallery, lower level of the Forbush Building. This exhibit was made possible by the Fay Karfgin '59 Art Lecture Fund.

Contact Erin Hall '98 at if you would like to schedule a visit or with any questions about the exhibit.

Jody Johnson

Celebrate Earth Day with Dr. Jody Johnson | The Conservation of Elephants Using Honey Bees in Tanzania

The Alumni Office is pleased to welcome Dr. Josephine (Jody) Johnson to campus on Tuesday, April 22nd for a special alumni Earth Day event. Dr. Johnson has been engaged in a project in Tanzania in which honey bee hives are installed to deter migrating African elephants from raiding village croplands, thereby avoiding deadly human-elephant conflicts. She will discuss sustainability and her work on the project.

For more information about the event, Dr. Johnson and to register for the event, click here:


Alumni Association Board Celebrated 100 Nights Dinner with the Class of 2025

Each year, the Alumni Association Board host a celebratory dinner for the Senior class. This year, we welcomed the Class of 2025 with members of the Board providing a glimpse into life after Friends. The evening consisted of dinner, trivia, and of course some alumni swag giveaways. The Class of 2025 graduates on Sunday, June 8.


Alumni Speak with Current Students About Life After Friends

The Friends School Alumni Association recently hosted an event where current students had the opportunity to network with alumni from various industries including finance, psychology, public policy and more. Students were able to ask career advice, learn about college choices and make new connections as they begin to think about life beyond Friends.

Support Friends School with a gift to The Fund for Friends

As graduates of Friends School of Baltimore, you have all benefited in a myriad of ways from the foundational Quaker education that Friends still provides to its students today.

Please consider giving back to Friends to ensure that today’s students can continue to benefit from all of the unique opportunities and the exceptional support and resources that are at the core of our educational mission. Your gift makes all that we do as a school possible.

Click here to make your gift to The Fund for Friends today!

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For additional information, ongoing volunteer opportunities or to get involved, please contact the Alumni Office: or 410-649-3205.

Friends School of Baltimore

From the Office of Alumni Relations & Engagement

Alumni News: February 2025

Hello friends –

We are well into the second half of the school year and keeping busy. The Alumni Association Board has been active on campus – they have been assisting senior students find connections for Senior Work Projects, they have planned a networking event on February 18 (more details below) and are gearing up to help celebrate the Class of 2025’s 100 Nights dinner.

Alumni Weekend will be here before we know it – May 2 & 3. Registration is now open for the weekend’s activities and we are excited to welcome classes ending in 0 and 5 back to campus for the first time in a while.

Read below for information about upcoming events, alumni updates and more Friends School news!

As always, if you need anything from the Alumni Office or have questions, please reach out.

Sophia Signature

Sophia Springer '13
Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement

Alumni Happenings and News

AAB Networking Event

Alumni & Upper School Student Networking Event on February 18

The Alumni Association Board would like to invite you to join them on February 18 from 6-8pm for a Networking Event in the ZAC. One of the Alumni Board’s main goals this year was to be a visible resource for students on campus. With that, they thought it would be beneficial to host an event where students can meet Friends School alumni to learn about career paths, college choices, and networking opportunities. Maybe you’re looking for your own networking opportunity – this could be a good place to start! RSVP online here:

Alumni Weekend 2025

Alumni Weekend 2025 Registration is Open!

Calling all classes ending in 0 and 5… Registration for Alumni Weekend 2025 is now open, click here to sign up for events:

For information on hotels, individual class information, and the full schedule of events, visit If you’re interested in organizing your Reunion Class Party, please reach out to

Click here to update your information with the Alumni Office

Lisa Corinne Davis '76
Permanent Artwork by Lisa Corinne Davis ’76 Installed at NYC 68 St-Hunter College Subway Station

If you’re in New York City and happen to be on the Upper East Side, be sure to make a pit stop at the 68 St-Hunter College subway station. Friends alum and artist, Lisa Corinne Davis ’76 has a new permanent installation in the space! Lisa worked with MTA Arts & Design to create three permanent pieces titled “Tempestuous Terrain” and the two-part “Liminal Location.” Read the Timeout article about the installation here.

Photo Above: Tempestuous Terrain (2024) © Lisa Corinne Davis, NYCT 68 St-Hunter College Station. Commissioned by MTA Arts & Design. Photo: Stan Narten.

Geoffrey Greif ’67

Oxford University Press Publishes Book by Geoffrey Greif ’67

Dr. Geoffrey Greif, Friends School of Baltimore Class of 1967, had his most recent book, A Handbook of Contemporary Group Work Practice: Promoting Resilience and Empowerment in a Complex World (co-edited with Caroyn Knight), published by Oxford University Press. Greif is a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work where he has worked since 1984. He has over 40 years' experience leading and writing about groups with diverse populations from children and parents in the public schools to men in the criminal legal system. He is a fellow in the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. Click here to read more about Geoffrey’s book.

Engage with Friends

We're Hiring

Friends School is Hiring!

The Development Office has two positions available, Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Associate Director of Development. If you or someone you know is interested in pursuing one of the roles, please apply directly on our website. If you have any questions, please email

The Admissions team is also hiring a Director of Enrollment Management. For more information about what the role entails and the application process, please click here:

Visit our website for a full list of open positions.

Calling Lacrosse and Tennis Coaches!

The Friends School Athletic Department is looking for lacrosse and tennis coaches for this spring season. If you’re interested, please email to learn more. Middle School sports begin March 10 and Upper School spring athletics start on February 18.


Join Us for a Three-Part Screening of the Screenagers Documentary Series

At Friends, we continue to reflect on the impact of technology and screen time on our students, and we recognize the challenges families face in navigating our ever-evolving digital world. Many parents and caregivers are looking for guidance on how to help their children develop healthy tech habits while maintaining emotional well-being and strong family connections.

Friends School would like to invite you to a special three-part screening of the Screenagers documentary series. The film series is designed to be shown at community-based events to spark meaningful conversations and provide research-backed insights on screen time, social media, mental health, and substance use. We believe that these powerful documentaries will equip parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions for their families.

Each event will include a screening of the film in the Forbush Auditorium, followed by small-group discussions facilitated by committee members, where participants can reflect, share perspectives, and explore strategies together. Light refreshments will be provided.

Tuesday, March 11, 7:00–8:45 p.m. – Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age
A thought-provoking look at how screen time affects kids and how families can create balance.
Watch the trailer here.

Wednesday, April 9, 7:00–8:45 p.m. – Screenagers: Next Chapter
Exploring teen mental health in the digital age and how we can support emotional well-being.
Watch the trailer here.

Wednesday, May 7, 7:00–8:45 p.m. – Screenagers: Under the Influence
A powerful look at how digital culture influences teens' decisions around substance use.
Watch the trailer here.

Register Here:

Questions? Contact Andy Hanes, Middle School Tech Educator & Computer Science Instructor at

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For additional information, ongoing volunteer opportunities or to get involved, please contact the Alumni Office: or 410-649-3205.

Friends School of Baltimore

From the Office of Alumni Relations & Engagement

Alumni News: December 2024

Hello friends –

December is here, whether we welcome it or not! Here on campus, we have many things to look forward to this month, many of which you can participate in as well. Our music departments are busy at work with final preparations for the Pre-Primary Winter Concert, Lower School Winter Concerts, Middle School Choral Concert, Middle School Band and Orchestra Winter Concert, and the Upper School Choral Concert. All of these can be live streamed using this link: Toggle to “Upcoming School Events” to see dates and times.

Our Admissions team is gearing up for their fourth First Look @ Friends on December 11. These open house events provide an opportunity for prospective families to hear from current faculty and administrators about the Friends curriculum and culture, tour campus and classrooms, and engage with a student panel to learn more about Friends.

Here in the Development Office, the team is wrapping up Giving Tuesday. Thank you to everybody who made a gift to The Fund for Friends on Giving Tuesday. Of course, it’s not too late to make your gift; you can do so by visiting!

Finally, the Alumni Association Board has been busy around campus. A few members recently spoke with the 12th grade class about Senior Work Projects, providing the students with opportunities to connect with alumni during their search process. They are also in the process of planning a social networking event in early 2025. If you are interested in hosting a Senior Work Project or learning more about the networking event, feel free to reach out to me or any of the Alumni Association Board Members.

I hope you enjoy the final days of December and have a happy and peaceful holiday season!

Sophia Signature

Sophia Springer '13
Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement

Alumni Happenings and News

Alumni Weekend 2025

Celebrating Classes Ending in 0's and 5's: Alumni Weekend 2025 - May 2 & 3, 2025

Alumni Weekend registration will open in early 2025! Reunion Classes ending in 0 and 5, keep an eye out for information in the coming weeks about the full weekend schedule and registration. As part of the weekend, the Alumni Office asks for volunteers from each Reunion class to assist with Alumni Weekend activities. Don’t worry the alumni office guides the committee and does most of the heavy lifting! If this sounds interesting to you, please email to learn more or volunteer to be part of your Reunion Committee. We are still looking to form committees for the following classes: 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020.

Click here to update your information with the Alumni Office
Click here to submit a nomination for an Alumni Award

Click here to submit a nomination for the Athletic Hall of Fame

Visit the Alumni Weekend website for information about the schedule, hotels and more:

Engage with Friends


Thank You

Please accept our deepest gratitude for all of the members of our alumni community who made a gift to The Fund for Friends this Giving Tuesday! Thanks to your contributions, we were able to reach our goal for a generous challenge grant and secure important funds that will have a direct impact on today’s students and faculty.

While Giving Tuesday has passed, it is not too late to make your gift! Help us sustain the mission of Friends School and deliver an education grounded in Quaker values to our students by making your gift today:

Holiday Fundraiser at The Margaret Cleveland

Margaret Cleveland Holiday

Shop at this Friends School family-owned business and benefit Friends! The Heller family (two current Lower School students) is helping Friends through their business. When you purchase seasonal items from The Margaret Cleveland, you’ll be generating support for our beloved school with this All Things Holiday Fundraiser. See below to learn how you can participate!

Mention Friends School when making a purchase in person between December 5–22, 2024. A portion of the proceeds of all live holiday decor, seven varieties of Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, holiday plants, and spring bulbs will be donated to Friends School. While there, be sure to wander their Acres of Wonder, exploring 12 uniquely curated shopping spaces, and bespoke keepsakes and treasures.

Vote for Upper School Artists and Community Partner, GEDCO CARES at The Village of Cross Keys Through December 31!

FSB Gift Box

This holiday season, we invite you to show your support for some of our talented Upper School artists and our longtime community partner, GEDCO CARES!

Friends School is one of eight area schools joining in a creative collaboration with Cross Keys to support local nonprofits. Each school has decorated a giant gift box around the theme "Gifting Back to Baltimore." These decorated gift boxes will be displayed at The Village Shops at Cross Keys in the courtyard from November 21 through December 31, and we’d love for you to stop by and cast your vote!

Can't make it in person? Vote online!

View pictures of our gift box!

Based on votes, Cross Keys will donate $5,000 to the first-place winner's chosen charity, $2,500 to second place, $1,000 to third, and $500 to all others.

Our Upper School artists Caroline Toll ’25, Victoria Cho ’25, Anna Boia ’25, and Olivia Prichett ’26, under the guidance of art teacher and alumn Erin Hall ’98, have been hard at work on our entry, and we can’t wait for you to see it! Voting for our gift box will directly support GEDCO CARES, which serves families and individuals in crisis by connecting clients with resources that enable movement toward self-sufficiency. These resources include employment, food, and emergency financial assistance services.

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For additional information, ongoing volunteer opportunities or to get involved, please contact the Alumni Office: or 410-649-3205.

Friends School of Baltimore

From the Office of Alumni Relations & Engagement

Alumni News: November 2024

Hello friends –

I’d like to take this newsletter to introduce the 2024-2025 Alumni Association Board members. To paint the picture, the 2023-2024 Alumni Board members took time to reevaluate the Alumni Association and how the Board plays a role in the greater Friends School community today. They updated the vision and mission statements and set some goals for the 2024-2025 Alumni Board. This year, the members of the group have been working to make those goals come to life! This includes hosting events for alumni, participating in school-wide community activities like Scarlet & Gray Day, and being a more visible resource for the 12th grade class.

I invite you to read a message written by Alumni Board Co-Chairs, Hilary Baldwin Ruley ’95 and Ted Kasper ’15, about the Board’s work and plans for the future:

You can find the Alumni Association Board’s updated vision and mission statements on the Alumni website:

When you graduated Friends, you became part of the greater Alumni Association – a group of over 5,500 people! The Alumni Board is a small group of folks hoping to provide a place of community for all alumni. If you are interested in being involved in the Friends School community, would like to become an Alumni Association Board Member, or have an idea for an alumni event, the Board would love to hear from you! You can find a list of current Board members and their bios on the Alumni website. Feel free to reach out to any of them directly, or email to get in touch with the Alumni Board.

As always, if you need anything from the Alumni Office or have questions, please reach out.

Sophia Signature

Sophia Springer '13
Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement

Alumni Happenings and News

Alumni Weekend 2025

We need Reunion Volunteers! Save the Date for Alumni Weekend 2025 - May 2 & 3, 2025

While it might seem far away, Alumni Weekend will be here before you know it - May 2 & 3, 2025! We're excited to welcome the 0 and 5 Reunion classes back to campus. As part of the weekend, the Alumni Office asks for volunteers from each Reunion class to assist with Alumni Weekend activities. Don’t worry the alumni office guides the committee and does most of the heavy lifting! If this sounds interesting to you, please email to learn more or volunteer to be part of your Reunion Committee. We are still looking to form committees for the following classes: 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020.

Click here to update your information with the Alumni Office
Click here to submit a nomination for an Alumni Award

Click here to submit a nomination for the Athletic Hall of Fame

Visit the Alumni Weekend website for information about the schedule, hotels and more:

John Pollard '89

Congratulations to John Pollard '89 on his recent Emmy Award!

Congratulations to John Pollard ’89 on his recent Emmy Award! John was a member of the team that won an Emmy for Outstanding Production Design for a Narrative Program (Half-Hour) on Season 3 of Only Murders In The Building. Over the past 30 years, John has designed sets for over 100 theatrical productions for opera, region, and off-Broadway shows. A few memorable projects as an Assistant Art Director were The Wolf of Wall Street, American Gangster, and Boardwalk Empire. John had a passion for the arts while at Friends and was an Art Major his junior and senior year under the program run at the time by Ron Roberson. After Friends, John went on to pursue a BFA in Theatre Design / Technology at Purchase College. In addition to his Emmy, John has 5 Art Director Guild nominations and many credits as an Art Director and Assistant Art Director for TV & Film. John shared with us a view of the 3D model of the “Theater Dressing Rooms” set which he drafted for Season 3 of Only Murders In The Building and a set photo from The Magic Flute Production by Arizona Opera.

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Engage with Friends

Be on the lookout for The Fund for Friends 2024 Fall Mailing

Keep an eye out for the upcoming Fund for Friends Fall Mailing, which should be hitting your mailboxes shortly with a message from Alumni Association Board member Morgan Klausner 13 and a brochure highlighting our year’s theme: 118 Reasons to Give and how the daily experience of our students and faculty are enhanced by your gift. 

Follow the link below to learn more about the ways your gift makes an impact on Friends and to make your gift today.

Click here to make your gift to The Fund for Friends.

Save the date for GIVING TUESDAY: December 3, 2024. Giving Tuesday is a great day to celebrate all you are grateful for as a Friends graduate. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more on this year’s Giving Tuesday!

Connect with Us On Social Media

FSB Alumni Facebook
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FSB YouTube

For additional information, ongoing volunteer opportunities or to get involved, please contact the Alumni Office: or 410-649-3205.


Friends School of Baltimore

From the Office of Alumni Relations & Engagement

Alumni News: October 2024

Hello friends –

When was the last time you attended a Meeting for Worship or took a moment of silence to open or close a meeting or class? As a student, I remember this being second nature – it was a routine part of our daily school life. Recently, I find myself using silent reflection more in my every day life. Trying to disconnect from the chaos that the world can sometimes be and re-center myself when I need to. I challenge you in the next few days to take a moment or two to reflect yourself. Put the distractions away, settle into silence and reflect, refresh, or decompress. I offer a query for reflection if you’d like:

What Quaker testimony speaks most to you at this moment in time?

Simplicity - A focus on what is important rather than material distractions.
Peace - Kindness; gentleness; non-violent resolution of conflict.
Integrity - Honesty; being true to oneself.
Community - Welcome and inclusion, taking care of one another.
Equality - Fairness and valuing each other’s gifts.
Stewardship - Taking care of what we have and a focus on serving others.

Now on to alumni business. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 19, it’s Scarlet & Gray Day! Alumni are invited to attend the full day of events (schedule found here), but I want to highlight two events in particular that I hope you will join us for:

As a reminder to Reunion year alumni (0's and 5's), please submit your nominations for the Athletic Hall of Fame and Alumni Awards. The nomination deadline has been extended through October 31!

As always, if you need anything from the Alumni Office or have questions, please reach out.

Sophia Signature

Sophia Springer '13
Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement

Alumni Happenings and News

S&G Day 2024

Join us for an Alumni & Faculty Homecoming Celebration on Scarlet & Gray Day 2024!

Hosted by the Friends School Alumni Association Board and John Watt, Middle School Math Teacher

Friends School of Baltimore alumni, current and retired faculty are invited for a fun and casual event at the James L. Zamoiski ’68 Alumni Center (ZAC). First, cheer on student athletes during Scarlet & Gray Day and then head over to the ZAC to see old friends, teachers and colleagues. Bites and beverages will be provided. Please feel free to bring a significant other or guest!

There is no charge for admission, but donations to The Fund for Friends – Athletics are most welcome.

Please RSVP by October 11 here:

Peter Kaestner ’71 Shares His Experience of Birding with Upper School Students

On September 26, we welcomed Peter Kaestner ’71 as guest speaker for Upper Schoolers during Collection. Peter is a retired U.S. Diplomat, who over the course of his 36-year career, met and worked with many VIPs including kings, presidents, the Coptic Pope, the Dalai Lama and many others. Peter is also the world’s #1 birder! Just this year, on February 9, 2024, he reached his goal of being the first person to see 10,000 species of birds. He presented this journey to students, including the drama that unfolded just 12 hours before he saw his 10,000th bird! He shared the importance of principals he learned while at Friends and how they have helped guide him over the course of his career and in his birding journey.

Emma Young '08 & Peter Kaestner '71

Emma Young ’08 Visits Campus as Part of Upper School STEM Speaker Series

Each year, the Upper School hosts several scientists from a variety of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields to share their professional journey and details about their research with interested students. To kick off the series this year, we welcomed Emma Young ’08 on Monday, September 30. Emma is an expert in wildlife biology and is currently working on endangered species research and policy with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She shared with students the stages of her scientific career, explored what it can mean to be a scientist and how it is important to follow your interests, even if it means taking a non-traditional educational or career path.

We love when alumni share their journey with the Friends School community. If you are interested in being a guest speaker on campus, please email

Hank Kaestner ’63, Joe Cowan ’64, and Kyle Harrison ’01 Coach JHU Alumni Lacrosse Team

Friends School Alumni are represented well at this year’s JHU Men’s Lacrosse Alumni Weekend. Hank Kaestner ’63, Joe Cowan ’64, and Kyle Harrison ’01 will be on the sidelines coaching the JHU alumni team. Hank shared that it will be a full family affair for him with three generations of Kaestners on the field! The game is today, Saturday, October 5 from 2:00-3:00pm and all are welcome to attend. For more information, click here.

October is Welcome Back to Quaker Meeting Month in NYC

Seeking peace and a sense of community? Quaker meetings in New York City are inviting NYC-area Friends School alumni to come to a meeting for worship this October. It's an opportunity to "center down" in some quiet time with peace-loving Friends. You can find out if Quaker meeting for worship speaks to you as an adult, and meet up with other Friends school alums! Please visit to learn more about the different Friends meetings in NYC and why you might want to visit.

Alumni Weekend 2025

Save the Date for Alumni Weekend 2025 - May 2 & 3, 2025

Celebrating Reunion Classes ending in 0 and 5. We are excited to welcome you back to campus May 2 & 3, 2025 for Alumni Weekend. We are looking for Reunion Committee volunteers! If you are interested in learning more or would like to volunteer, please email Director of Alumni & Parent Engagement Sophia Springer ’13:

Click here to update your information with the Alumni Office
Click here to submit a nomination for an Alumni Award

Click here to submit a nomination for the Athletic Hall of Fame
Nominations for Alumni Awards and Athletic Hall of Fame are due no later than October 31, 2024

Visit the Alumni Weekend website for information about the schedule, hotels and more:

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Engage with Friends

Support Friends School with a Gift to The Fund for Friends

For nearly 250 years, Friends School has been providing a vigorous Quaker education that is built on a framework of academic excellence. When students graduate from Friends, they have a foundation of learning that prepares them to lead meaningful and productive lives.

This exceptional student experience is made possible, in part, by the generosity of alumni, parents, parents of graduates, grandparents and friends. Simply put, the journey of each of our students is enhanced by your gift.

Click here to learn about ways you can support Friends through giving.

Connect with Us On Social Media

FSB Alumni Facebook
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FSB Instagram
FSB LinkedIn
FSB YouTube

For additional information, ongoing volunteer opportunities or to get involved, please contact the Alumni Office: or 410-649-3205.